
I'm Rico.

I'm a Web Developer who likes technology and the web. I like to build things that either out of fun or by helping other people's needs. If you have a business and you wanted it to build something about it, I can help you too. I'm not limited to what I have right now, I can learn new stuff because knowledge is power!

I'm mainly a PHP guy but if the need arises to learn a new language or tool, I'm up to the task!. By the way, here are some of the tools that I know and used:

  • Languages & Frameworks:
    • PHP (Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony)
    • Ruby (Ruby on Rails)
    • Javascript (AngularJS, React JS, Vue JS)
    • Swift
    • Node JS (Express JS)
    • Phonegap / Cordova
    • React Native
    • Electron
  • Database:
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
    • PostgreSQL
  • Others:
    • Grunt
    • Gulp
    • Webpack

Currently not for hire for a full-time job but I can do part-time! Message me so we can start talking!

Here are some my projects:

  1. Globe Labs SDK

    Globe Labs has a very nice API and I was tasked to create libraries/SDK for the following languages: Ruby, Swift, Phonegap for iOS, React Native for iOS and an iOS SDK.

  2. GitHour

    A time-tracking management tool to track productivity and monitors each developers production based on commits, issues, and comments.

  3. Shipping Cart

    Maintained and developed features to this platform using Node JS and later on re-wrote it to PHP and translated all of its front-end stuff from Node JS to PHP.

  4. Born Fitness

    Did the front-end designs and features.